Wind Beneath My Wings
A Gift Of Love
★ November 16, 1989 | Short clip of Celine's live performance for the Cystic Fibrosis Association.

Hard To Say I'm Sorry
A Gift Of Love
★ November 16, 1989 | Short clip of Celine's live performance with David Foster for the Cystic Fibrosis Association.

Les Fleurs Malades
☆ September 1989 | Enjoy this brilliant live performance by Celine.
D'abord C'est Quoi L'amour
Canadian Film Festival
☆ September 7, 1989 | Celine performs a beautiful ballad from her "Incognito" album.
Have a Heart
Canadian Film Festival
☆ September 7, 1989 | Watch this rare performance of "Have a Heart" almost a year prior to the release of "Unison".
L'ombre S'enfuit
Ferland-Nadeau en Vacances
☆ September 1989 | Enjoy this breathtaking live performance by Celine.
Ma Chambre
Ferland-Nadeau en Vacances
☆ September 1989 | Watch this rare live performance by Celine on Quebec TV.

En Spectacle et En Coulisses
⭐ July 11, 1989 | Full TV special with live performances, backstage footage and interviews with Celine.

Ne Partez Pas Sans Moi + Where Does My Heart Beat Now
Eurovision Song Contest
⭐ May 6, 1989 | Celine performs her Eurovision winning-song and debuts the lead single from her upcoming English album.

Ne Partez Pas Sans Moi
Swiss National Eurovision Finale
⭐ March 1989 | Celine's full appearance at the Eurovision Pre-selection in Switzerland after winning the festival the previous year.
D'abord C'est Quoi L'amour
Ma Mère Chantait Toujours + Quéstion De Feeling
Ma Chambre
Quand Ça Balance
Mes Blues Passent Pu Dans Porte
L'autobus Du Show Business
☆ January 1989 | Watch Celine's wonderful live performances at Jean-Pierre Ferland's "L'autobus Du Show Business".
Undated performances

⭐ Watch Celine's full appearance on the popular Quebec talk-show "Ad-Lib", accompanied by French TV star Michel Drucker.
☆ Celine delivers a stunning live rendition of this song from the "Incognito" album.
The Greatest Love Of All
Samedi De Rire
☆ Watch Celine's stunning cover version of this timeless ballad made popular by Whitney Houston.